The City of Los Angeles Small Business Commission (LASBC) is an advisory group that serves as a liaison between the City and the small business community. In addition, it serves as a public forum dedicated to issues affecting entrepreneurs and small business owners. The Commission's goal is to help small businesses in Los Angeles achieve greater prosperity, create more jobs, and positively impact the local economy.
The LASBC was established on July 1, 2016 by the Los Angeles City Council, with their inaugural meeting taking place on November 18, 2019. The LASBC's mission is to promote, grow, and retain small business within the City of Los Angeles. The Commission advises the Mayor, LA City Council, and the EWDD on policies promoting small business growth and evaluates proposed City, State, and Federal legislation that may impact small businesses in the City.
The LABSC works with EWDD to prioritize issues of particular concern to LA's small business community, such as the Sidewalk and Park Vendor Program and the Local Business Preference Program.
The LASBC was established on July 1, 2016 by the Los Angeles City Council, with their inaugural meeting taking place on November 18, 2019. The LASBC's mission is to promote, grow, and retain small business within the City of Los Angeles. The Commission advises the Mayor, LA City Council, and the EWDD on policies promoting small business growth and evaluates proposed City, State, and Federal legislation that may impact small businesses in the City.
The LABSC works with EWDD to prioritize issues of particular concern to LA's small business community, such as the Sidewalk and Park Vendor Program and the Local Business Preference Program.
Duties of the LASBC include:
- Formulate and evaluate goals, objectives, plans, and programs relating to small businesses, consistent with overall objectives established by the Mayor and City Council, to promote the economic opportunities to the City's small business community
- Review all City, State and Federal legislation affecting small businesses and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council
- Review policy matters, rules, and regulations adopted by City Departments that affect small businesses and recommend modifications, as needed
- Outreach to the small business community to solicit input, feedback and potential solutions to issues they face with City policies or processes and to increase public awareness of the existence, mission and activities of the LASBC
- Develop a plan to address City infrastructure or other projects that impact local businesses
- Advocate on behalf of small businesses and make recommendations for new policies or changes to existing policies that will promote, grow and retain small businesses in the City
- Work with EWDD and the BusinessSource Centers to prioritize issues that directly affect or augment the small business community within the City
- Implement marketing strategies for City programs, services, and incentives that assist small businesses
Who is the Los Angeles Small Business Commission?
The Commission consists of seven representatives from small businesses and organizations that advocate for the needs of small businesses in the City. All representatives are appointed by the Mayor and the LA City Council. Commissioners must reside in the City of Los Angeles or own a business located in the City.
Los Angeles Small Business Commission Meetings
The Small Business Commission meets once a quarter, four times per year. Special meetings can be held as necessary. The LASBC is happy to address any questions or comments you may have. Reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 213-744-7171.
Meeting Agendas and Materials